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Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility promotional video out now

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A new video produced by Media Access Australia has been created to promote the upcoming Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility (PCWA). It’s designed to underline the main points and key benefits of enrolling in Australia’s only university-accredited web accessibility certificate for digital professionals.

Five students accessing technology via a laptop and a tablet computer.

The PCWA course highlights video runs for one minute and thirty seconds. In addition to the standard video, an audio described version of this video is also available.

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Blind Citizens Australia wraps up successful convention in Perth

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The Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) annual convention was held over the weekend at the Mercure hotel in Perth, with approximately 120 attendees discussing a range of issues.

Much of the focus related to the 40th anniversary of BCA with presentations and discussions relating to how products and services for people who are blind or vision impaired have progressed over that time, current issues both locally and internationally, and the significance of BCA in the future.

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Windows 10 Home and Pro – hands-on accessibility test

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Shortly after the launch of Windows 10 on July 29th, Dr Scott Hollier put together his thoughts, findings and hands-on impressions regarding the accessibility of Microsoft's latest operating system.

Windows 10 desktop with the Start menu expanded

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Five tips to make the web work better in your language

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In late May, Dr Scott Hollier travelled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to teach a web accessibility course to 22 students. As part of the assignment work, the students learnt how to use the basic functionality of screen readers and other Assistive Technology (AT). While the work went well, it quickly became apparent that there were a number of issues relating to the way in which Arabic was supported by the tools, and how those tools interacted with the web.

Translate button on a keyboard amidst keys labelled with multiple languages

There are several reasons why the web becomes more complicated for non-English speaking users, and it’s a combination of a number of factors:

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Q&A: The importance of accessible gaming

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Media Access Australia spoke with accessible gaming advocate Ian Hamilton on the importance and value of accessible digital entertainment ahead of his presentation at this year’s annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2015).

Xbox 360 controller resting on a flat surface. Image credit: Steve Petrucelli, Flickr

Digital media and technology: 

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Understanding the experience of gamers with disabilities

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Gamers with disabilities often face challenges due to accessibility issues found in games, despite some good resources for developers who want to ensure that people with disabilities can effectively engage in a gaming environment.

PlayStation 3 controller resting on a wooden surface

We asked gamers for their thoughts, experiences and opinions on using in-game captions, ideas to improve gaming accessibility, and their stories to share as gamers with a disability.

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Claims EU, US accessibility rules are falling off the agenda

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Warnings have been issued that requirements to make websites accessible in Europe and the US are falling behind schedule.

In Europe, the European Blind Union (EBU) has issued a warning that the European Commission’s pledge — Directive 2004/18/EC — to make all public websites and websites providing basic services to citizens accessible by 2015 is slipping behind schedule.

The EBU claims that EU Ministers have not held any meaningful discussions on the directive since June 2013.

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Top take-aways from CSUN 2013

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The world’s largest accessible technology conference took place in San Diego, California last week. The Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, commonly known as CSUN, showcases emerging technologies set to make an impact over the coming years. Here, Dr Scott Hollier details his favourites.

The open web: where consumer products meet web standards

A big focus of presentations this year was the convergence of consumer products with web standards. This means that more products will be designed in an accessible way that works better with the accessibility features on popular devices.

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