Practical web accessibility

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Spotify’s accessibility: so close but so far

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Apps that are accessible to people who have a disability are few and far between. So when an app qualifies as accessible, it’s a cause for celebration. The music streaming service Spotify launched in Australia yesterday, and while it has been commended by many in the accessibility world for its consideration of the needs of disabled users, its integration with Facebook still presents a significant barrier for potential users.

Through its smartphone, tablet and desktop apps, Spotify gives access to a “world of music”, allowing users to stream tracks and albums from millions of international artists. Its integration with social media is central to the experience of using the app, with user activity such as songs, albums and playlists users have listened to being posted automatically to Facebook.

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9 May marks the first Global Accessibility Awareness Day

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What started as a simple blog post calling for developers to raise awareness about the importance of creating accessible websites for people with a disability, has turned into the first ever Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). A community of web professionals has formed to take part in raising awareness of the importance of making the web usable for everyone, regardless of ability.

In November last year, California-based web developer, Joe Devon, suggested on his blog that a Global Accessibility Day be launched. His readers were quick to support the cause, organising events and activities around the world.

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Simplifying the web accessibility message – reflections on CSUN 2012

A few weeks ago, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to San Diego for the CSUN 27th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, commonly known as CSUN 2012. 

Digital media and technology: 

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