Once a year, Australian designers and developers showcase their work in the Australian Web Awards. This event is run by the Australian Web Industry Association and has been a national showcase since 2009.
The event is run to promote good standards, and celebrate creativity and hard work. The Australian Web Awards has in the past encouraged accessibility.
Judge requirements
The organising body are happy to accept applications from a variety of different professionals including designers, and front and back-end technical developers, to become a judge for the awards, and individuals with expertise in social media will be favourably received. Judges will have entered work to the awards in the past and are not permitted to judge the category in which they have entered. In the past we have seen Media Access Australia’s own staff members become judges of the Australian Web Awards.
How to enter
You can apply or recommend someone to become a judge for the Australian Web Awards on their website. The event is set to be held towards the end of the year with exact dates and venue details to be confirmed. We’ll keep you posted.
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