Inclusion is compromised when captions are not available

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 14 of /home/mediacc/public_html/themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine).

The issue of the provision of captioned educational content is an important one for students, as its lack has a long term negative effect on hearing impaired students learning outcomes. Other arrangements need to be made for a student when it is certain that a particular title is not available in a captioned format.

Reasonable adjustments need to be made to ensure inclusion of the student in the activity or assessment. Hearing impaired students are exempt from assessment that include comment on music or tone of voice, when an assessment task is based on listening.

Alternate tasks need to allocated that are of a comparable level of content, so that the hearing impaired student is not disadvantaged. Creating Accessible Teaching and Support provides comprehensive information across a range of issues when considering issues of inclusion.

Captioned resources provide students with a sense of inclusion by providing them with equivalent access to electronic curriculum. 

The diagram below demonstrates how a student may be feeling when access to the full educational message is blocked - a lack of access results in increased stress levels for students, who then become frustrated and may experience a further drop in their hearing levels. It is apparent that at this point, feelings of exclusion are common. 

 Flow diagram demonstrating the linke from access difficulties to stress reactions which include frustration and fatigue, and a drop in hearing levels resulting in feelings of difference and exclusion, which perpetuates access difficulties.


Lack of access and the damaging effects on the well being of students who are Deaf or have hearing impairment.

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