In case you missed it: Media Access Australia in the headlines

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Thursday, 25 July 2013 16:14pm

We’ve been almost everywhere on the web lately.  We wanted to let our website visitors and news alert subscribers stay in the loop on the access news we’re helping reach a wider audience.

Raising awareness of web accessibility

Writing for Net Magazine, one of the world’s leading publications for web designers and developers, Dr Scott Hollier lists the key milestones that have brought accessibility into the mainstream.

“Getting to this point has been a case of push and pull. In some cases, large corporations have taken it upon themselves to innovate and create access where there wasn’t any before. In others, regulation has stepped in. [These] milestones mark points where our work changed for the better, and heralded new opportunities for people with disabilities to participate online,” wrote Hollier.

In the not-for-profit world, many organisations are aware of the need to provide accessible information but have few resources to direct to it. Dr Hollier wrote for ConnectingUp’s learning centre to help get web professionals in Australian not-for-profits inspired about accessibility.

DisabilityCare: making sure providers know their stuff

As the National Disability Insurance Scheme, DisabilityCare, begins its roll-out phase, it’s important that service providers within the system understand how to meet the technology needs of their clients. Our CEO Alex Varley wrote for ABC Ramp Up about how accessible information can easily be provided, and what clients can expect.

“The shift to seeing people with disability as empowered, discerning customers impacts on every aspect of business and requires an understanding of how to cater to this emerging market. Service providers knew they had to turn their business models upside down, restructure their organisations, and put the person with a disability at the centre of it all - but how?” wrote Varley.

The answer is in our Service Providers Accessibility Guide which is available to download.

Top podcasts

Did you know we have our own radio segment? Each week we have a segment on Vision Australia Radio with presenter Roberta Ashby where we share the biggest media and technology stories impacting on people who are blind and vision impaired.

These are available on our website and in iTunes; just search for “Media Access News” in the podcast catalogue.  Transcripts are provided for each episode.

Recent highlights include:

Stay in touch on social media

Media Access Australia has thriving communities on Twitter and Facebook. Both offer a great way stay in the loop on media access news, meet people, and ask questions.

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