There are a number of tools available which you can use to create caption files for your videos.
MAGpie is a free software tool developed by the National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM). It can be used to create files for Windows Media Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer. Softpedia’s Subtitle Workshop is another free tool which allows you to create caption files in a wide variety of formats and in 35 languages.
Captionate is a Windows application which allows you to embed data, including captions, into Flash video files. It costs US$60.
You can also submit your video to the Universal Subtitles website for captioning where you can then caption them or have them captioned by volunteers. They can also be translated into other languages.
YouTube videos can be captioned using CaptionTube or Overstream.
Third-party captioning
You can also engage a commercial caption supplier to caption your videos. As online captioning is still relatively new, and there are many media players and different versions of them around, these suppliers can assist with technical information and ensure that the caption files you receive are in the format you need.
When evaluating captions supplied by a third party, refer to the captioning guidelines, and pay particular attention to spelling and timing.
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