The World Wide Web Consortium has released updates to Techniques for WCAG 2.0(link is external) and Understanding WCAG 2.0(link is external). WCAG 2.0, or the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 outline the practical delivery of universal design concepts, focusing on mainstream usability issues, disability-specific accessibility issues, and the interaction of assistive technology products likely to be used by affected disability groups.

The updated documents have more coverage of non-W3C technologies, including techniques for Flash content, and help define a way for authors to comply with WCAG 2.0. The W3C warns however that “…publication of techniques for a specific technology does not imply that the technology can be used in all cases to create accessible content that meets WCAG 2.0.”

Visit the W3C blog for more information about the new and improved WCAG 2.0 techniques(link is external).