Media Access Australia podcasts
Check out interesting and informative interviews and addresses on a wide variety of web and digital accessibility topics.
Cinema access questionnaire results |
US blind organisationst take initiative |
Shakespeare In The Park with audio description |
Audio described DVD releases for January 2013 |
Volunteers bring access to museum collection |
Glassbrick: Australia's home-grown screen magnifier |
2013: a landmark year for cinema access |
Pressure builds on Amazon |
Using social media in emergencies |
October's accessible new release DVDs |
Graeme Innes campaigns for audio description on the ABC |
Lauren Henley on how you can help keep AD on the ABC |
Apple's iOS 6: accessibility enhancements |
Seeking feedback on technical issues at the cinema |
Ally Woodford on September's audio described DVDs |
Facebook iPhone app a step back |
Update on the AD trial with Chris Mikul |
Lauren Henley on the audio description trial |
Helping seniors with disability get online |
Why we pay too much for technology |
Announcing Access iQ |