Set in a seedy boarding house, against a backdrop of a bleak post-war London amidst a fascinating cross-section of residents, The Deep Blue Sea tells the tale of Hester and Freddie, a couple struggling to survive the nature of their relationship. Although inextricably drawn to one another they battle to find a balance in the intensity of the passion that drew them together.
The Deep Blue Sea, by Terence Rattigan, will be performed with audio description at Perth's Playhouse Theatre on Saturday, 27 November at 2:15pm.
Tickets for audio described performances are available through BOCS Ticketing on phone: 08 9321 6831. It is essential that patrons advise the booking agent that the audio described service will be required at time of booking. Groups may also contact BOCS by phone or email BOCS Ticketing .
What the critics had to say:
"The greatest and most moving British drama since the Second World War... The real courage in life is to go on living even when all hope has gone." Daily Telegraph
"Rattigan sets all manner of emotions pulsating under the polished surfaces of his dramas." London Evening Standard
For further information regarding the audio description service, or to add your name to Perth's database to receive show updates, please contact Alice Jorgensen on 08 9265 0934 or email her .
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