Media Access Australia staff to judge accessibility compliance for Australian Web Awards

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Thursday, 23 June 2011 11:13am

Media Access Australia staff members Dr Scott Hollier and Sarah Pulis will judge the accessibility compliance of candidate websites and mobile applications for the Australian Web Awards 2011.

Dr Hollier, Major Projects Manager for Media Access Australia is one of Australia’s leading accessibility experts. He has completed a PhD entitled The Disability Divide: an examination into the needs of computing and Internet-related technologies on people who are blind or vision impaired.

He represents Media Access Australia on the Advisory Committee of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and writes a monthly W3C column with up-to-date news and information about the W3C. Scott is legally blind and as such understands the importance of access at a personal level.

Sarah Pulis is the Manager of Digital Media and Technology at Media Access Australia. Sarah has a background in computer science including specialisations in metadata and web accessibility along with four years of marketing and science communication experience in the tertiary sector.

Sarah has a Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Cognitive Science and has also completed a Master of Science entitled Interpreting the DCMI Abstract Model to support software development for Dublin Core Metadata. Sarah will judge the accessibility and content of candidate websites.

The Australian Web Awards 2011 focus on the web industry, promoting and awarding the use of industry-recognised best practices. The judging process is a two-stage procedure with accessibility compliance featuring in both stages.

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