Dashboard of CADET being used
CADET has taken over two years to develop from the initial beta test, and is the result of a mix of grant funding and crowd-funding from an Indiegogo campaign launched in late 2015. It is a free, downloadable caption-authoring software tool that can also be used to generate audio-description scripts.
It enables anyone to produce high-quality caption files that are compatible with any media player that supports the display of captions, and a short video on CADET illustrates its intuitive operation.
CADET does not require an internet connection in order to operate, as it runs locally in any Web browser, so users do not need to upload private videos or proprietary content to servers or video-hosting sites in order to create captions.
What’s more, many of the functions available are only usually found in high-end caption-authoring workstations. It allows the user to create captions for video formats that play natively in browsers (like mp4 and m4v), can import plain-text transcripts for editing and timing, transcribe caption text directly into the caption editor, edit, style and time captions, import existing caption files and export caption files in common formats.
For more information and to download the tool, go to the CADET site.
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