Triple Zero Kid’s Challenge is a game designed for kids of kindergarten and primary school age and consists of nine safety scenarios. The game features Kate and Peter who find themselves in different scenarios that require them to use the 000 emergency number. The game includes captioned narration and voice-over, and kids interact with it by clicking on items to move forward in the scenario.
The captioning of the video content is in line with the Federal government’s new strategy that will see the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) WCAG 2.0 compliance of government websites by 2015. WCAG 2.0 is divided into Level A, AA and AAA, with captioning of video presentations being a Level A requirement. The scenarios in the Triple Zero Kid’s Challenge are appropriately captioned to include not only dialogue, but also who is speaking and non-speech information that is conveyed through sound, such as the dog barking in scenario one.
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