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US news organisations argue for audio description exemptions


The National Association of Broadcasters and Fox News Channel have written to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), requesting that they are given exemptions from audio description requirements.

The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010, which became law last October, reinstated audio description (called video description in the US) quotas for television. The FCC is currently establishing a timetable and rules for the service.

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RNIB international audio description study findings released


The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has released the results of a study which looked at whether audio description produced in other countries would be acceptable to blind and vision impaired users in the UK.

With levels of audio description on television, film and DVDs increasing around the world, there is an increasing trade in audio description files between countries. For example, many Australian DVDs feature audio description produced in the UK.

In RNIB’s study, 10 blind and vision impaired participants were shown clips of American and British shows which had been audio described in the US.

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Government issues audio description trial correction


The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) has issued a statement correcting a misprint in the final report of the Media Access Review relating to the proposed audio description trial on the ABC.

The original report stated that the 13-week trial proposed for the second half of 2011 would involve the broadcast of 14 hours of programs with audio description per day. The statement explains that this this was a misprint, and should have been “14 hours per week”.

A copy of the corrected report is available on the DBCDE website.

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The third annual Audio Description Institute


This year’s Audio Description Institute will be held in Reno, Nevada, on 14-16 July, in conjunction with the American Council of the Blind’s annual conference and convention.

With the signing of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act by President Obama last October, the United States will soon see a significant increase in audio description on television.

The institute, which is run by the Audio Description Project, offers a range of interactive sessions covering the history and theory of audio description, and is aimed at new audio describers and experienced describers who wish to refresh their skills.

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