Deaf/hearing impaired Digital Technology & Online Media news
New app gives hearing impaired access to public announcements
The app, Silent Tweets, is a visual alert system for iPhone and Android smartphone users. It allows anyone who downloads the app to post and receive important information about public areas. Users are given 140 characters to write information to be shared with other users who are within the location that the announcement relates to.
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Vodafone rewards accessible Android development
The Wellbeing award was given to 1000 Empresas for their Help Talk app, which helps people use a smartphone to communicate by speech. By using text-to-speech technology, Help Talk allows a user to tap on an icon that represents a common phrase and communicate the phrase to another person.
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Film Victoria to only fund accessible games
In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald Film Victoria CEO, Jenni Tosi, said the investment fund will contribute to “any costs the developer incurs as part of their accessibility efforts, which may include technology, testing or accessibility consultants.” Film Victoria provides up to $100,000 or 50 per cent of the project budget for games developed in the state.
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